Equipping Men to Influence Their World
“That the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:17 (NKJV)
The objective of the Michigan Men’s Ministries is to provide assistance to the various men’s ministries throughout the churches of our District by means of shared ideas and disciple forming experiences.
We count it a privilege to partner with our men’s leaders and pastors whether in the initial phase of starting a men’s ministry or an established and vibrant men’s community.
The objective of the Michigan Men’s Ministries is to provide assistance to the various men’s ministries throughout the churches of our District by means of shared ideas and disciple forming experiences. We are here to minister to Men's Ministries no matter the size or distance. We count it a privilege to partner with our men’s leaders and pastors whether in the initial phase of starting a men’s ministry or an established and vibrant men’s community.
Here are some of the main ways that we provide assistance and support.
Fellowship Opportunities: Through retreats, conferences, breakfasts, and more, we work to provide opportunities for men to join together in a safe and Christ-focused environment.
Discipleship Resources: If your Men's Ministry is in need of finding material for devotions or bible studies, we can assist to find simple, affordable options that contain a Spirit-filled Gospel message.
Statewide News: through our website, e-newsletter, and social networks, we are continually on the lookout for men's ministry events and updates we can share with churches throughout the state to stay connected and on top of what is happening in the Michigan District
Retreats & Conferences: Every fall we host a 1-night, 2-day men's retreat with outdoor activities, speakers and great food. We also plan to host spring men's ministry conferences every alternate year.
Outreach Opportunities: We are capable in connecting you with volunteer and fundraising projects that can help your men bond together and become an influencer in the surrounding community.
Arranging Speakers: We count it a privilege to provide speakers from the Men's Ministry team or to provide references to other great men's speakers if you have a special event that requires a gifted presenter.
Connecting Ministries: We partner with several different organizations which supports the model and value of Men's Ministry. We have the ability to connect your men's ministry with other organizations, businesses, or missionaries.
Supporting Your Leaders: We have a heart for pastors and men's leaders who give of themselves to minister to others daily. We offer compassion and guidance along with resources on leadership and organization.