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Credentialing Processes
Getting StartedGetting Started STEP 1: PRE-APPLICATION After attaining the necessary education, submit the Pre-Application Questionnaire to Pat Brown, the Credentials Specialist at the Michigan Ministry Network via mail or email. After we review your credential pre-application, you will be contacted about your next steps in the credentialing application process. STOP. Don't proceed until pre-application approval. ​ Review the Levels of Credentials
UpgradingUpgrading Take your Ministry to a New Level Upgrading your credential is a great way to sharpen your skillset through ongoing education while moving toward the biblical precedent for ordination. ​ STEP 1: PRE-APPLICATION Submit the Pre-Application Questionnaire to Pat Brown, the Credentials Specialist at the Michigan Ministry Network via mail or email. After we review your credential pre-application, you will be contacted about your next steps in the credentialing application process.
ReinstatementReinstatement Applicants who desire to reinstate a ministerial credential must contact Credentials Specialist Pat Brown to request the appropriate forms. ​​ REINSTATEMENT GUIDELINES If a minister reinstates within the first three months of the calendar year after lapsing, General Council dues from the previous year must be fulfilled. If a credential has lapsed for two years or more, an interview is required and references from 4 Ordained Ministers will need to be submitted with the application and supporting documents (contact Pat Brown for the reference form) If a credential has lapsed for over seven years, the exam is required. If the credential lapsed or was resigned in a District other than the Michigan Ministry Network, a letter of good standing from the previous District should be submitted with the reinstatement application.
TransferringTransferring Ministers Transferring OUT of the Michigan Ministry Network When a Michigan Ministry Network minister establishes residence in another District, the minister should notify the Secretary-Treasurer's office by contacting Credentials Specialist Pat Brown who will start the transfer process. Ministers Transferring INTO the Michigan Ministry Network Ministers transferring into the Michigan Ministry Network from another District are to request a transfer from their former District within 60 days of taking up residence in Michigan. It is the responsibility of the former District to complete the transfer to the Michigan Ministry Network. We will notify the minister when the transfer is complete.
RenewalRenewal Annual Credential Renewal December 31 Deadline ​ TWO OPTIONS TO RENEW Online (the fastest and easiest way to renew) Hard Copy - Complete & submit the hard copy renewal form mailed to you (if you renew online you do not have to mail in the hard copy)
Schooling OptionsSchooling Options MISOM Michigan School of Ministry offers non-accredited, in-person, classes one Saturday per month from September-May at the Michigan Ministry Network Office in Brighton, MI. All three credential-level classes are offered each month. Each student will study the material on their own in preparation for the in-person class and final course exam. The classes meet the required courses for credentialing. The classroom instruction provides an overview of the material, practical applications, and opportunity for questions and discussion. Instructors use personal experience and a variety of teaching methods. ​ Berean School of the Bible offers non-accredited, online classes that are self-paced in preparation for being credentialed. The classes offered are the required courses for all three levels of credentials. Pathway offers non-accredited, online, classes that are self-paced in preparation for being credentialed. The classes offered are the required courses for all three levels of credentials. Northpoint College located in Grand Rapids offers an on-campus college experience with a focus on undergraduate and graduate degrees. Classes meet weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays. Global University is an accredited, online university that offers undergraduate degrees in Bible and Theology, Intercultural Studies, and Christian Education. The courses are online and are self-paced. Any one of these is a viable option for becoming credentialed with the Assemblies of God. Accredited classes from a recognized college will fulfill the requirements for receiving credentials: Certified – 48 credit hours Licensed – 72 credit hours Ordained – 96 credit hours There is a minimum number of Bible/Theology credit hours required for those who receive a non-ministerial degree.
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