Get to know our Men's Ministry Board Members. We are here to be a resource for you and we would love to get to know you. If you or your church are looking to get connected to Men's Ministry, contact your nearest sectional representative.

Men's Ministry Director/ Light for the Lost Director / Metro South Section
Anyone who knows Chuck at all, knows he has a genuine interest in seeing men develop to their full potential. His major focus will be on assisting Pastors and Churches develop Men’s Ministries on a local church level. Chuck is the Men’s Ministry Pastor at Northville Christian Assembly. Please feel to contact him to see how he can serve you and the men of your church.
Email chuck@ncalife.org

Secretary / Metro East
Mike Devantier hails from Clinton Township, Michigan and attends The Rock Church. He has been married to his High School sweet heart and best friend, Donna, for over 32 years. They have 3 wonderful children and 2 grandchildren. He got his first taste of ministry as a teenager helping his father, Don Devantier, in the kitchen for men’s breakfasts at St Clair Shores A/G in the 1980’s and served on the Men’s Ministry Board there until the early 1990’s.
Email mdevantier.md@gmail.com

Treasurer / South Central
Gerry is currently serving as a deacon, adult Sunday school leader, and men’s ministry facilitator at Mason Assembly. He is also working as a part-time instructor at Washtenaw Community College in Public Service Training where he has been since 1993. Gerry has a desire to see men steer their lives into positions of control over themselves, their family, their church, and communities with the assistance of like-minded men because we are "better together.”
Email gerardpoe@yahoo.com

North East Section
Brad currently lives in Gladwin, MI with his wife Mary. Together they attend Gladwin Assembly of God where they have been for about 20 years. He has been the Men's Ministry leader there since 2014.
Email msumoore@hotmail.com

Northern Section
Tony Van Duser is the father of two girls and has been involved in ministry since 2000. He has served as family/children's ministry leader in several churches across the state and at both FaHoLo and Lost Valley. Tony is now the camp manager at Lost Valley where he has been since 2012. Tony is passionate about men's ministry and believes that we need to raise up men to equip the next generation to use their passions and talents to glorify God.
Email ptvanduser@gmail.com
Assemblies of God, Michigan District​
ATTN: Chuck Willis
10370 Citation Drive
Brighton, MI. 48116​
Tel 248-348-9030