Conferences & Seminars

Each May we run two events side-by-side: Network Council and L3 Conference (a conference coinciding with the Network Vision of Live, Lead, Launch). This all takes place within a 48-hour timeframe. The event includes Main Sessions with Guest Speakers, Breakout Sessions, Ordination, Missions Highlights, an annual Network Business Meeting, Special Lunch opportunities, Special Presentations and a great time.

“A Space for Leaders to Connect, Learn and be Lifted in Ministry.”
Each year we gather local church ministry leaders (paid and unpaid staff) to LEAD Thriving churches. The Michigan Ministry Network All Church Leadership Conference is a gathering of like-minded, similar ministry-focused leaders coming together to receive information about effective ministry models, plans, and opportunities to enhance their ministry in the local church. It is focused on resourcing local church ministry leaders and helping grow awareness and development in ministry assignments.

5 Hour Synergy:
The Power of Spiritual Shadowing
We give pastors, global workers, and others leaders in ministry 5 hours to learn from leaders about strategies that have helped them in their ministry.

The LC (Large Church) Connect is a creative space for our Network pastors who lead churches of 500+ (based on ACMR). Lead Pastors get to connect, further develop leadership skills, discuss common-sized church successes and struggles, and facilitate relationships. It is an invitation-only 24-hour event in a nice hotel setting that includes a guest speaker, dinner, a simple relaxed schedule, fun social times, practical leadership development, round table discussions, and great comradery.

The MC (Medium Church) Connect is a creative space for our Network pastors who lead churches of 125-499 (based on ACMR). Lead Pastors get to connect, further develop leadership skills, discuss common-sized church successes and struggles, and facilitate relationships. It is an invitation-only 24-hour event in a nice hotel setting that includes: a guest speaker, dinner, a simple relaxed schedule, fun social times, practical leadership development, round table discussions, and great comradery.

The SC (Small Church) Connect is a creative space for our Network pastors who lead churches of under 125 (based on ACMR). Lead Pastors get to connect, further develop leadership skills, discuss common-sized church successes and struggles, and facilitate relationships. It is an invitation-only 24-hour event, which does include: a nice hotel, guest speaker, dinner, a simple relaxed schedule, fun social times, practical leadership development, round table discussions, and great comradery.