History of Michigan Ministry Network
Michigan was formerly a part of the Central District of the Assemblies of God incorporating
Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. Steps were taken in 1944 to bring about a division of the territory
so that Michigan could function as a separate District. This was consummated in the Council
Meeting in 1945, held at Woodward Avenue Baptist Church, Detroit, when the Council in
session authorized the formation of the new District.
The ministers and delegates of the Michigan area met in a separate session, electing Charles W.
H. Scott as Superintendent, and Bernard L. Bresson as Assistant Superintendent. Mrs. Everett D.
Cooley was appointed Secretary/Treasurer. Charles W. H. Scott ministered as District
Superintendent until he was elected in 1957 to serve as one of the Assistant General
Superintendents at the National Headquarters.
Originally the geographical area of the District was confined to the lower peninsula of the State
of Michigan. In 1966 the counties of Luce, Chippewa and Mackinac, originally part of the
Wisconsin-Northern Michigan District, were added to the Michigan District.
Starting with 156 ministers, 90 churches, $2,000.00 in cash, and an old desk and file inherited
from the Central District, the newly formed Michigan District was on its way.
The first District Office was established at 404 West Saratoga, Ferndale. Since then, the office
has been located in Ypsilanti, Farmington Hills and is currently located in Brighton Michigan.
Faholo Camp and Conference Center - Grass Lake, Michigan, has been the site of the State’s
camp programs even before the inception of the District. A second camp site, Lost Valley Bible
Camp, located east of Gaylord, was acquired in 1963.
Originally, the District’s corporate name was the Michigan District Council; however, in 1962 the
District voted to change its name to Assemblies of God, Michigan District. In 2022 the District
again voted to change its name to Assemblies of God Michigan Ministry Network.
The Michigan Ministry Network currently has 897 ministers and 247 churches. The Network is
divided into twelve fellowship Sections with an elected Presbyter and Assistant Presbyter for
each Section.
To God be the glory for growth and development of the Network. Success in the Michigan
Ministry Network is attributed to God’s help and blessing, as well as the good fellowship and
teamwork of all our ministers.
Members of the District Officiary who served the Michigan District:
Charles W.H. Scott 1944-1957​
Everett D. Cooley 1957-1969​
P. Bond Bowman 4/69-9/69​
Parvin C. Lee 1969-1973​
Thomas E. Trask 1973-1976​
Ivar A. Frick 1976-1988​
William F. Leach 1988-2015​
R. Jeffrey Hlavin 2015-2021
Aaron M. Hlavin 2021 –
Assistant Superintendents
Bernard L. Bresson 1945-1950​
P. Bond Bowman 1950-1952, 1956-1959​
Parvin C. Lee 1952-1956, 1959-1969​
Gene S. Hogan 1969-1980​
Louie Callaway 1981-1985​
Thomas E. Trask 1986-1988​
M. Wayne Benson 1988-1990​
Norman W. Muhling 1990-1994​
M. Wayne Benson 1994-2000​
David R. Williams 2000-2015​
Bradley T. Trask 2015-
Mrs. E.D. Cooley 1945-1948​
Donald G. Foote 1948-1952​
Malachi R. Cook 1952-1953​
Everett D. Cooley 1953-1957​
Orie L. Robinson 1958-1963​
Fred Smolchuck Sr. 1964-1982​
Ernest W. Zilch 1983-1994​
Norman W. Muhling 1994-2008​
R. Jeffrey Hlavin 2008-2015​
Curtis W. Dalaba 2015-2020
Brooks T. McElhenny 2020 –