Welcome to the Michigan Network of Women Ministers!
We exist to mobilize women to fulfill their ministerial call.
We believe the image of God is best reflected and the church of Jesus Christ is healthiest when both men and women are empowered to fulfill their calling at every level of ministerial leadership.
MNWM serves credentialed women and women interested in being credentialed & pursuing the call of God to ministry.
Encouraging women to prepare for ministry by being biblically engaged, Spirit-empowered, credentialed and pursuing ordination, engaging in ongoing education, and actively applying for ministry opportunities.
Create opportunities for women through connecting, coaching, mentoring, and building community.
Equip women in ministerial and leadership competencies.
Network for Women Ministers
(National Resources)
Elevate Leadership Network is an interactive community of women in ministry. Affiliated with the Assemblies of God Network of Women Ministers, we exist to equip, empower, and encourage every woman to fulfill their ministerial calling. This diverse community is a place to network and develop your ministry leadership. By joining Elevate Leadership Network (ELN) you’ll get access to mastermind groups, master classes, weekly convos, leadership cohorts, and connections to other women AG ministers.